Start a business
How can the Trade Register help you?
Our advisory service provides advice in matters relating to notifications and applications to be submitted to the Trade Register. We also give advice about the legal effects and other effects of registration.
Please note that the Trade Register staff cannot give official advice in other practical arrangements of starting up a business, or advice in questions on company law, taxation or other matters of juridical nature.
Please see the detailed instructions on how to file a start-up notification, by company type, in the menu.
Read more about our Advisory service and what kind of questions it can answer.
After registration: notification of beneficial owners
After the registration of the company, most companies must file a notification of their actual beneficial owners with the Trade Register. For example, all limited liability companies and co-operatives must file a notification. The notification of beneficial owners is free of charge. Read more about notification of beneficial owners.
Other services to help you start a business
You can get help to start a business from the following service providers. website
The website offers a comprehensive information service for new businesses.
Anyone who runs a business that require a separate business licence, either as a private trader or as an organisation, has to report the granted business licence to the Trade Register. More information about business licences is avaible on Go to the website.Open link in a new tab
Business Helsinki
Business Helsinki is a service centre for those looking into starting up a business and for those already operating a business. Go to the Business Helsinki websiteOpen link in a new tab.
Enterprise Finland advisory service
The Enterprise Finland advisory service provides assistance for both new and more established businesses. Read more about Enterprise Finland advisory service.Open link in a new tab
Taxation – information and advice
For advice on taxation, please contact the advisory service at the Finnish Tax Administration. Read more about taxation on the Finnish Tax Administration website.Open link in a new tab
FI domain names
Registered FI domain names are listed on the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) website. Go to the Traficom website.Open link in a new tab
Invest in Finland
Invest in Finland supports international businesses looking for e.g. opportunities for sustainable growth or a location to set up R&D operations in Finland. Find out more about Invest in Finland at Business Finland website.Open link in a new tab
Go to our summary of the most common types of business.
If you need more advice on how to choose the right type of business, please contact the service providers mentioned above, for example, for further help. Go to the website.Open link in a new tab
Please see the detailed instructions on how to file a start-up notification with the Trade Register, by company type, in the menu.
If you are living permanently outside the European Economic Area, you may need a permit to set up a business. Read more about permits to persons from outsice the EEA.
On this PRH website, you can also find other useful information about our other services. Read more about our services: