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Changes in the details concerning persons and bodies of a branch

File the following changes concerning persons and organs immediately with the Finnish Trade Register:

  • Notification of a new representative
  • Notification of a new body
  • Notification of a change of the details of a body
  • Notification of persons authorised to sign the company name

We have separate instructions on how to change other details. Go to the instructions: Changes in other details of branches.

It depends on the laws of the foreign organisation's home country which organ has the power to decide on such matters. In most cases, it is the board of directors. The statutory body to represent the organisation often appears from the register extract issued in the organisation's home country.

On this page, you will find information on the following:

We have separate instructions on notification of terminated position. Go to the Notification of changes: Termination of appointment and notification of resignation.

Who can file

The notification is signed by the representative of the branch or the person entitled to sign the company name of the branch, or by someone authorised by that person.

If an authorised person signs the notification, enclose a certified copy of a special power of attorney or the original general power of attorney.

How to file

File your notification using online or paper forms.

Please note: if you have a Finnish personal identity code, you can use online forms only for filing changes concerning persons. File other changes in the online service at The service is available in Finnish and in Swedish. Go to the instructions: Changes in other details of branches.

You need Form Y4 and Appendix Form 14 and our Personal Data Form. Before you start, read our instructions (in Finnish or Swedish) on how to fill in Form Y4 at link in a new tab

Form Y4 is bilingual (English and Finnish) and Personal Data Form is in English. They can be sent to us. Appendix Form 14, on the other hand, has to be sent either in Finnish or in Swedish.

Save the forms to your computer before filling them in.

Please note: use the Personal Data Form to file personal identification details with the Finnish Trade Register. Do not include personal identity codes or home addresses on any other notification forms.

How to file your notification using online forms

Log in to the online form “Notification to the Finnish Trade Register". Please note that the form is only available in Finnish and Swedish.

To log in, you need to have a Finnish personal identity code and additionally one of the following: personal internet banking codes, a mobile certificate, or an electronic identity card (HST card). What to do if you do not have a Finnish personal identity code.

After you have logged in, select the matter you want to file with the Finnish Trade Register. Send the forms, receipt for the handling fee, and the other required documents (see “What documents need to be enclosed" below) as PDF files. Send.

Go to the online form “Notification to the Finnish Trade Register" in Finnish or in Swedish. Open link in a new tab

How to file your notification using paper forms

Fill in, print out and sign the forms. Send the forms, receipt for the handling fee, and the other required documents (see “What documents need to be enclosed" below) by post. The address can be found on form Y.

What documents need to be enclosed

Enclose the following documents with your notification:

  • Receipt for the handling fee. See "Price".
  • Translation into Finnish or Swedish if you enclose a document in a foreign language.
  • Proof of identity if you report a person who neither has a Finnish personal identity code nor is stated on a register extract concerning the foreign organisation for entry into the Finnish Trade Register.
      • The proof can be, for example, a certified copy of passport.
      • No proof is needed if this person's details already exist in the Finnish Trade Register.
  • Notification of a new representative: evidence of the appointment of a representative (section 6(3) of the Act on the Right to Carry on a Trade)
      • Please note that only a person may act as a representative.
  • Notification of a new body or of a change of the details of a body: evidence of the persons authorised to represent the trader as the trader’s statutory body or as members of such body
      • The evidence can be, for example, a copy of a register extract.
  • Notification of persons authorised to sign the company name: evidence of the authorisation and of the manner in which the name is signed
      • The evidence can be, for example, a copy of minutes.

Please note that all the details and documents you submit will be made public, apart from the personal data form and copies of passports. Do not include any other documents that contain personal identity codes, home addresses, or other confidential details (such as health details or business secrets).


1. The trader of the branch is a limited-company-type company, and the trader’s place of registered office is in a member state of the European Union.

  • Changes in the details concerning persons and bodies of a branch are free of charge.

2. Other branches

Notification of signing on behalf of the company or notification of holders of procuration, a representative referred to in the Finnish Enterprise Act, or persons authorised to represent the trader as a statutory body or as members of such a body:

  • 50 euros per matter
  • Example 1: notification of a representative referred to in the Enterprise Act and notification of persons authorised to sign the company name: 100 euros (50 euroa + 50 euros)
  • Example 2: notification of a representative referred to in the Enterprise Act, persons authorised to sign the company name of the branch, or holders of procuration: 150 euros (50 euros + 50 euros + 50 euros)

Make the payment in advance and enclose the receipt with your notification. Read more in our payment instructions.

What to do if you do not have a Finnish personal identity code

If you do not have a Finnish personal identity code you can file your notification of changes for branches in our online form if the following conditions are met:

  1. You are a citizen of an EU country and you don’t have a Finnish personal identity code.
  2. You use the means of identification of some other EU country.

File your notification by logging in to the online form “Identification method for foreign persons - Notification to the Finnish Trade Register". When you log in, select the country whose means of identification you use.

After you have logged in, select “Notification of changes for branches" as the matter to be filed. Fill in the company details. Add the notification forms you have filled in (see our instructions above) and other necessary attachments as PDF files. Send.

Go to the online form “Identification method for foreign persons – Notification to the Finnish Trade Register".Open link in a new tab

Monitor the progress of your notification

You can monitor the progress of your notification using the notification search in the Virre Information Service. Go to the notification search in Virre.Open link in a new tab

Printable version Latest update 31.01.2024