Have you invented something or created a product and now you would like to commercially profit from it? The invention, in which you have invested time and money, is your property. Therefore you should protect it so that your competitors will not be able to reap the benefit of your work. The tools available for protecting your invention are patents and utility models.
A patent is an exclusive right that provides you the right to prohibit others from utilising your invention commercially. Commercial utilisation means for example manufacturing, selling, using, or importing a product. However, a patent does not automatically give the owner the right to utilise the invention commercially, as the owner may need permits granted by other authorities or by owners of other patents.
The Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) employs over 100 highly qualified examiners whose main task is to examine patent applications. In their work, the examiners use advanced tools and the very best databases. Most of them have a PhD degree. The quality of our work is constantly monitored and developed.
Capitalise on our expertise.
We provide you with a detailed examination, from which you can decide whether to apply for a patent in other countries.
What kind of inventions can be patented?
Read about our search services.
Apply for a Finnish patent at the PRH.
How to validate a European patent in Finland?
Read more about how to apply for a patent outside Finland.
Other possibilities to protect your rights
A utility model is an exclusive right like the patent to use an invention. It is primarily intended to protect simpler device and product inventions and can be an appropriate form of protection, if:
- you need protection fast,
- a 10-year protection period is enough.
A trademark is a symbol that distinguishes the goods and services of a company.
Design right protects the appearance of a product or a part of a product.
Current affairs
- The number of European patent applications from Finnish companies continued to increase in 2024
- Our telephone advisory service opens at 12.00 on Tuesday 25 March 2025
- 100,000 patents now in force in Finland – patent knowledge is highlighted and the risk of infringements increases
- Change in the deployment of our new Patent Service
- Our new online patent service will be launched at the end of February 2025