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Liquidation of limited liability companies

Liquidation often begins once the General Meeting has made a decision to that effect. Liquidation of limited liability companies is regulated by Chapter 20 of the Limited Liability Companies Act.

In some special cases regulated by law, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) or a court may order a limited liability company into liquidation (in the latter case, see Chapter 23 of the Limited Liability Companies Act).

The Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act is available on Finlex, the reference database of Finnish legislation. See Limited Liability Companies Act on the Finlex website. Open link in a new tab

In most cases, the following Trade Register procedures relate to liquidation:

  1. Notification of liquidation and liquidators
  2. Application for public summons
  3. Notification of dissolution
  4. Notification of final settlement

See also our instructions for termination or continuation of liquidation.

Printable version Latest update 21.04.2023