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Notification of changes for limited liability companies

Whenever your company's details change, you must inform the Trade Register about it by filing a notification of the changes.

Several decisions of a limited liability company do not come into force until they are recorded into the Trade Register. The most common of them are changes to the articles of association and in share capital.

The Trade Register is a register for public use. Anyone is entitled to obtain information about the entries made in the register. This principle of open access also applies to all notifications and enclosures filed with the Trade Register.

This page includes the following information:

What changes need to be notified to the Trade Register

A limited liability company must notify the Trade Register if for example the following details change:

See also termination of appointment.

Shareholder details are not registered with the Finnish Trade Register, and therefore no notifications of changes have to be filed about shareholder changes

If the shareholders change, it often means that the board of directors or the managing director changes, and a notification of changes must be filed about it. Limited liability companies themselves are obliged to keep a shareholder register. The matter is regulated by chapter 3, section 15 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act.

When to file

Normally, you must notify us without delay after a change has taken place.

There are some changes that must be notified to the register within a certain time limit. In some cases, your decision will lapse if you do not meet the deadline.

The most common notifications that must be submitted within a deadline are:

  • Incorporation of a limited liability company
  • Reduction of the share capital
  • Share issue
  • Option rights and other special rights

Furthermore, there are several deadlines to be met throughout merger and demerger proceedings.

For deadlines, please check the relevant Finnish law, or contact the Trade Register’s Advisory Service. See the contact details of the Advisory Service.

The Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act is available on Finlex, the reference database of Finnish legislation. See Limited Liability Companies Act on the Finlex website.Open link in a new tab

Who can file

The notification is signed by a member of the board of directors, or the managing director, or by a person authorised by one of them.

If an authorised person signs the notification filed using paper or online forms, the original
general power of attorney or a certified copy of a special power of attorney must be enclosed with the notification.

How to file your notification in the online service at

You can file most notifications of changes for limited liability companies in our online service at

Please note that the service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.

To log in to the service, you need to have a Finnish personal identity code and additionally one of the following: personal internet banking codes, a mobile certificate, or an electronic identity card (HST card). What to do if you do not have a Finnish personal identity code.

Log in to the online service at and select “Muuta yrityksen tietoja tai lähetä tilinpäätös" or “Ändra företagets uppgifter eller skicka in bokslut" on the front page.

The online service at will help you fill in the notification of changes. Fill in the requested details
and add the required documents (see “What documents need to be enclosed" below).

When you file in the online service at, the service automatically calculates the handling fee for you. After the notification has been signed, you can pay the fee using your internet banking codes or by credit card.

File your notification online in Finnish or Swedish.Open link in a new tab

How to file your notification using forms

Some notifications of changes for limited liability companies cannot be filed via our online service at You can file your notification electronically using our online form.

You can file any notification for limited liability companies (excluding notifications of beneficial owners) using paper forms.

Use Form Y4, Appendix Form 13 or Appendix Form 16 and possibly our Personal Data Form.
Before you start, read our instructions (in Finnish or Swedish) on how to fill in Form Y4 at link in a new tab

Download the forms at the website “Notification of changes - limited liability companies".Open link in a new tab

Save the forms to your computer before filling them in.

Fill in the forms in Finnish or in Swedish. Please note that the appendix forms 13 and 16 are only available in Finnish or in Swedish.

Please note: use the Personal Data Form to file personal identification details with the Finnish Trade Register. Do not include personal identity codes or home addresses on any other notification forms.

How to send your notification using online forms

Log in to the online form “Notification to the Finnish Trade Register".

To log in, you need to have a Finnish personal identity code and additionally one of the following: personal internet banking codes, a mobile certificate, or an electronic identity card (HST card). What to do if you do not have a Finnish personal identity code.

After you have logged in, select the matter you want to file with the Trade Register. Fill in the company details. Add the forms, receipt for the handling fee (see “Price" below), and the other required documents (see “What documents need to be enclosed" below) as PDF files. Send.

Go to the online form “Notification to the Finnish Trade Register" in Finnish and Swedish. Open link in a new tab

How to send your notification using paper forms

Fill in, print out and sign the forms. Send the forms, receipt for the handling fee (see “Price" below), and the other required documents (see “What documents need to be enclosed" below) by post. The address can be found on form Y.

What documents need to be enclosed

Submit the following enclosures:

  • Decision which the amendment is based on, for example, the general meeting’s decision to change the articles of association or to appoint a board of directors, or a decision of the board of directors to appoint a chairperson.
  • Receipt for the handling fee if you file your notification using forms.

Please note that all the details and documents you submit will be made public, apart from the personal data form and copies of passports. Do not include any other documents that contain personal identity codes, home addresses, or other confidential details (such as health details or business secrets).


Notifications free of charge

The following notifications are free of charge:

  • change of address and contact details
  • notification of beneficial owners
  • notification of your resignation or the termination of an assignment or termination of business
  • financial statements.

Notifications subject to a fee

Most Trade Register notifications are subject to a fee.

Please note:

  • The fee paid for notifications filed in the online service at
    and on online forms is the fee for an online notification.
  • The fee paid for notifications filed on a paper form is the fee for a paper notification.

The online service at automatically calculates the handling fee, and you pay the fee in the service after signing the notification.

If you file your notification using forms, you must normally pay the handling fee in advance and enclose the receipt with your notification.

What to do if you do not have a Finnish personal identity code

If you don’t have a Finnish personal identity code, you cannot file notifications using the online service at You can however file your notification in our online form if all the following conditions are

  1. You are a citizen of an EU country and you don’t have a Finnish personal identity code.
  2. You use the means of identification of some other EU country.
  3. The business is be a limited liability company or a branch.

File your notification by logging in to the online form “Identification method for foreign persons - Notification to the Finnish Trade Register". When you log in, select the country whose means of identification you use.

After you have logged in, select the matter you want to file (notification of changes for limited liability
companies or financial statement). Fill in the company details. Add the notification forms you have filled in and other necessary attachments (see our instructions above). Send.

Go to the online form Identification method for foreign persons - Notification to the Finnish Trade Register. Open link in a new tab

Monitor the progress of your notification online

Monitor the progress of your notification using the notification search in the Virre Information Service. Search by using the Business ID or the record number. Go to the notification search in the Virre Information Service.Open link in a new tab

Register extracts

As soon as the notification has been registered, we will send the company or the contact person an up-to-date register extract containing all valid company details.

If changes have been made to the articles of association, rules, or the partnership agreement, a copy of these updated documents will also be sent to you together with the register extract.

Keep the register extract – it helps you to keep track of your registered details and it will help you remember to submit a notification when your circumstances change.

Printable version Latest update 19.07.2024