LEI codes
An LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is an international organisational code. Companies and entities, for example registered associations and foundations, need an LEI code when trading in listed shares, exchange-traded fund (ETF) units and other securities or derivatives listed on the stock exchange.
Banks and investment service providers do not accept orders from companies or entities with no valid LEI code.
You do not need to have an LEI code if you just own financial instruments. Moreover, you do not need it when redeeming and subscribing for fund units in ordinary investment funds, for example, or when trading in unlisted shares. Read more about LEI codes.
Who needs an LEI?
An LEI is necessary for companies and other legal entities, including registered associations and foundations. A company or an entity may only have a single LEI code.
Private persons are not eligible for LEI codes.
Apply for an LEI code at the PRH
Companies and entities with Finnish Business IDs, excluding branches and investment funds, can apply for an LEI code at the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH). We do not give advice on whether your company or entity needs the code.
Fill in your application using the initial version of our online LEI service. Print out and sign the application and send it to the PRH by email or by post. We will send you an invoice for the application fee. Read our instructions on how to file your application.
File your application.Open link in a new tab
Issued LEI codes are shown in the company and organisation search at ytj.fi
We will not send you a separate decision about issuing the LEI code.
Tosee the issued LEI and the date of issue, access the details of yourcompany or entity using the company and organisation search at ytj.fi. The service isfree of charge. Go to the company and organisation search at ytj.fi.Open link in a new tab
Current affairs
- Thousands of requests concerning a prohibition of registration submitted to the Finnish Patent and Registration Office – the online form for registration prohibitions is still running slowly
- The Finnish Patent and Registration Office’s (PRH) telephone exchange, customer service point and telephone service are closed from 5 November 2024 at 13.00
- The general VAT rate will rise to 25.5% on 1 September 2024
- New opening hours for our customer service point from 1 September 2024
- PRH’s corporate responsibility report 2023 – We are committed to responsible operations