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Special library book collection at your disposal

As the name suggests, our special library for industrial property specialises in literature relating to the field of activity of the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH). The library staff can be reached Monday to Friday during office hours. Everyone is entitled to borrow books, and no library card is required. When borrowing a book, you must prove your identity and we record your personal details in our Customer Register.

Our book collection includes:

  • the most important publications about industrial property rights;
  • works describing inventions and literature in various fields of technology based on what our patent examiners need;
  • law books and commentaries;
  • publications about business and company law;
  • doctoral theses and diploma works about industrial property rights;
  • company histories and the history of inventions;
  • the history of trademarks and design rights.

New books

Our library’s book database includes a complete acquisitions list.Open link in a new tabThe database is updated as soon as we catalogue a new book in it. The bibliographic details of each book and current loans and reservations can be seen in the database.

Remote service orders

Our services also include a remote service. We deliver copies from our collections by post (and between libraries also by email, if allowed by copyright).

Go to the remote service order form (in Finnish).

Printable version Latest update 29.11.2023