Pledging a patent
Your patent is a movable property, and you can pledge it as security for a debt. A right of pledge can be recorded in the Patent Register on request. It is in the pledgee’s interest that the pledging is recorded in the register. A pledging that has been recorded in the register gives a certain priority, for example in the event of bankruptcy or distraint.
A pledging can be recorded in or removed from the register at the request of either the patent holder or the pledgee. A pledging can only be recorded against a patent that has been granted.
The request to record a pledging or the documents enclosed with it must include:
- The patent number
- The pledgee’s name, place of residence (domicile) or registered office, address and Business ID
- If the pledgee’s representative requests the register entry, the representative’s power of attorney
- A copy of the pledge agreement or an agreement extract, which states the date on which the pledging takes effect
How to file the changes
File the changes with the PRH in writing. You can send the notification and enclosures to the PRH Registry by post, email or secure email. You can also hand in the documents at the PRH customer service point.
See the contact details for the PRH Registry.
We will enter the pledging in the register after you have paid the fee to the PRH bank account. Provide the number of the application or patent as the reference number of the payment. There is no charge for removing a pledging entry from the Patent Register.
See our account numbers on the page Patent fees and payment instructions.
See the fee on the page Other fees.