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Patent Payment Service

In the Patent Payment Service, you can easily search for and pay all your patent and utility model fees. The service enables you to view your payment history and pay using a variety of methods, such as debit or credit card or our Deposit Account. The details are transferred in real-time directly from our processing systems and registers, and you will always have access to the latest payment details. You can pay fees in the service as soon as the PRH has registered them.

The Patent Payment Service requires identification. Companies must also authorise the people selected to use the payment service.

Private persons, private inventors

In the Patent Payment Service, private inventors can identify themselves by means of identification accepted by the service, in other words online banking codes, a mobile certificate, or a certificate card.

lease note that private persons can only pay public fees via the Patent Payment Service (companies can also pay non-public fees via the Patent Payment Service). Patent applications and related fees will be published 18 months after the application was filed (or earlier if a patent is granted already during the first 18 months or the application includes a priority document). Utility model applications and related fees will be published 15 months after the application was filed (or earlier if the utility model is registered already during the first 15 months or the application includes a priority document).

You can use the Patent Payment Service to search for your patent or utility model fees by application number.


There are several alternatives for company representatives to identify themselves in the Patent Payment Service. The selected type of identification determines how companies authorise people to use the payment service. How company representatives can identify themselves in the payment service:

  • All representatives: using the EPO card
  • People with a Finnish personal identity code: using
  • People with no Finnish personal identity code: using Finnish Authenticator

Read more about identification and authorisation.

Go to Patent Payment Service.Open link in a new tab

Printable version Latest update 22.03.2023