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Renew your trademark every 10 years

A trademark will remain valid for 10 years. The period is counted either from the date of application or from the date of registration, depending on when the application was filed. You can renew your trademark every 10 years and continue keeping it valid for an indefinite time.

You can renew your registration

  • not earlier than one year before it expires, and
  • not later than six months after it expires.

If you do not renew the registration until after the expiry date, you will have to pay a higher renewal fee. Please note that the amount of the renewal fee also depends on the number of classes of goods and services included in the registration. See the fees in our price list and payment instructions.

If you fail to renew your trademark within six months after the expiry date, we will remove the mark from the register.

Expiration reminder

The PRH reminds registered trademark owners at least 6 months before the due date that the registration is expiring. To make sure that our reminder reaches you, it is important that you notify us of any changes to your name, company type, address, or other such details. Read further instructions on how to file changes.

Please note that trademark owners unfortunately receive many misleading letters, false invoices and payment reminders. The letters may demand, for example, that you pay a renewal fee. All our letters always clearly include: FINNISH PATENT AND REGISTRATION OFFICE (PATENTTI- JA REKISTERIHALLITUS). Read more about misleading payment reminders.

How to renew your registration

Renew your registration using our online service (available in Finnish and in Swedish). The service requires user identification through the portal. Go to the online service to renew your registration.Open link in a new tab

You cannot file changes to your register details with a renewal application. Instead, you need to fill in a separate ‘Application concerning a registered trademark’ for them (available in Finnish and in Swedish). Please note that you can notify us about a change of address by email.

It is also possible to renew the registration only in part. In other words, you may leave out one or more classes when you are renewing.

We accept paper applications only for a special reason

We can accept renewal applications filed on paper or by email only for special reasons, for example if the online service is unavailable due to a technical problem or an interruption to the data traffic, or if the applicant has no real chance of using the online service.

See the renewal fees in our price list and payment instructions.

Specify the list of goods and services by the next time you renew your registration

Old registrations include lists of goods and services where the goods and services are set out in a very vague manner, as was typical of the time. For example, the list may only contain a class number or the phrase ‘all goods in this class’. In such cases, the owner may be given an opportunity to specify the list.

The last chance to specify your list is when you renew your registration for the first time after 1 May 2019, when the new Finnish Trademarks Act entered into force.

Read more about specifying the list of goods and services.

Printable version Latest update 17.06.2021