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PRH Document Service for trademarks and designs

You can use the PRH Document Service to receive and download trademark, design right, patent and utility model documents online from the PRH. The service is browser-based and intended for companies and representatives that often file intellectual property rights (IPR) applications.

The service requires identification using e-Identification, and authorisation. You must also consent to the PRH sending you documents online. You can use the PRH Document Service via an application programming interface (API). In that case, a client system is identified using a certificate the PRH has accepted.

Go to the PRH Document Service (requires a consent, authorisation and identification).Open link in a new tab

If you are also interested in receiving patent and utility model documents, read our instructions under Patents.

Consent to sending documents online

Companies that want to use the Document Service must consent to the PRH sending them documents online.

If your company wants to use the Document Service for trademarks and design rights or you want to file changes to an existing service account, send an email to

Grant and request authorisations in e-Authorizations

When the company has consented to the PRH using the Document Service, the company must also authorise the people selected to use the PRH Document Service. Authorisation is granted using e-Authorizations administered by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV). People appointed as users can also request authorisation in e-Authorizations from a company to act on their behalf in the Document Service. An authorisation is an electronic power of attorney, the details of which are recorded in the authorisation register.

To be able to grant and request authorisation, you must have means of identification accepted by the service, such as online banking codes, a mobile certificate, or a certificate card.

Go to e-Authorizations to grant or request authorisation (mandate).Open link in a new tab

Applicable legislation and basic principles of the PRH Document Service

The date of receipt of a document is the day when you have retrieved the document and the attachments in the PRH Document Service. The appeal period begins from that date. You can retrieve the document within seven days after it has been sent. If you do not retrieve the document within seven days, it will be removed from the Document Service, and the PRH will send a printout of the document to you by post, as set out in the Finnish Act on Electronic Services and Communication in the Public Sector.

Documents retrieved within seven days are available in the Document Service for 90 days. When you have retrieved a document, you can download a certificate of receipt from the service within 90 days. We will send you an automatic email about documents that are available in the Document Service. The email contains a link to download a file package containing a decision and attachments once you have identified yourself.

If the PRH Document Service is unavailable, we will send the decisions on paper.

We follow the Finnish Act on Electronic Services and Communication in the Public Sector (13/2003) in sending the decisions.

Printable version Latest update 17.01.2024