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Maintain and renew your trademark

Use your trademark and monitor your rights to maintain your registered exclusive right.

Use your trademark

Use your trademark to maintain it in force. If your trademark has not been in genuine use for over five years, the PRH or the Finnish Market Court can revoke the mark based on non-use. Anyone suffering harm due to the registered mark can file an application for the revocation of the mark based on non-use.

Use your trademark in the exact form you registered it. Otherwise you may risk losing the mark if the PRH or the Finnish Market Court consider, for instance on the initiative of a competitor, that the trademark is not used in the registered form.

Read more about revocation of a trademark.

Read more about the common practice on the use of a trademark in a form differing from the one registered (EUIPO and member states).

How to use the ® and TM symbols

The Finnish Trademarks Act does not lay down provisions on the use of the ® and ™ symbols. A registered trademark should be accompanied by the ® symbol. Using this symbol means consumers and competitors will recognise that the trademark has been protected.

Do not use the ® symbol if your trademark is not registered in Finland or within the EU.

The ™ symbol can instead be used even if the trademark has not been registered, for example as a symbol for an established trademark or when a trademark application is pending.

Outside Finland you must always check the legislation of the country in question for regulations on the use of these symbols.

Keep your register details updated

Make sure your details in the Finnish Trademark Register are up to date. If there are any changes in your name or address details, notify us immediately. Then any letters from us, such as our trademark renewal reminder letter, can reach you at the correct address. Read more about filing changes.

Printable version Latest update 07.07.2021