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Start-up notification - associations

To register your association at the Finnish Register of Associations, file a start-up notification with the PRH.

Use our online filing service in Finnish or in Swedish to file your start-up notification. You can file the notification online using a guided process or by attaching the association rules in Finnish or in Swedish to the notification.

In the guided process (“ohjattu perustamisilmoitus" or "handledd etableringsanmälan"), the online filing service creates the rules according to the selections you make – it is the fastest and most inexpensive way to register an association.

If the PRH have preliminarily checked the rules of your association, file the notification by using our paper forms. Go to the instructions on how to file a start-up notification using a paper form.

‍On this page, you will find information on the following:

Who signs the notification?

The chairperson of the executive committee signs the start-up notification. If the association is filing its executive committee with the Register of Associations, then any other adult committee member can also sign the notification.

Please note: Committee members who are only being filed as persons entitled to sign for the association have no right to sign the notification.

The person who signs the notification must have a Finnish personal identity code, and personal internet banking codes, a mobile certificate, or an electronic identity card (HST card).

If the person who fills in the notification is not entitled to sign for the association, he or she must give the filing ID (asiointitunnus, ärendenummer) of the notification to the person entitled to sign, so that the person can log in to the service to sign the notification.

Guidelines for notification

In order to file the notification, you need the following documents and details:

  • charter in Finnish or in Swedish
  • details of the persons who you are filing.

Go to our charter template in Finnish.

Go to our charter template in Swedish.

You will need the Finnish personal identity codes of the chairperson and other persons entitled to sign for the association. If you file the executive committee for registration, you will also need the details on the personal identity codes of the committee members.

If a committee member or a person entitled to sign for the association has no Finnish personal identity code, you will need their date of birth, citizenship, and home address. Attach a copy of their passport or identification document. The copy must be in PDF, JPG or JPEG format.

Please note that if you do not use our guided process to file your start-up notification, you must have the association rules in Finnish or in Swedish at hand so that you can attach them to the notification online. For this purpose, you will find a link in the online filing service at the bottom of the page “Perustiedot ja säännöt" or “Grunduppgifter och stadgar". Use the "Siirry tästä käyttämään omia sääntöjä" or "Gå vidare för att använda egna stadgar" link to attach the rules.

What does it cost to file online?

The handling fee for a start-up notification using the guided process is 55 euros. If you do not use the guided process, the handling fee is 110 euros.

How to file online

Log in to the service to fill in the start-up notification.

Fill in the requested details to create the rules in the guided process.

Alternatively, write the rules in Finnish or in Swedish in the text box of the service or copy and paste the rules from your computer’s word processing program. If you copy and paste the rules from a word processing program, clear all document formatting before copying and pasting the text into the text box.

Instructions on the spelling of association rules (in Finnish).

Instructions on the spelling of association rules (in Swedish).

Attach the signed charter as a PDF, JPG or JPEG file.

If the person who fills in the notification is not entitled to sign it, he or she can send an email from the online service to the person entitled to sign the notification, as soon as it is ready to be signed.

Sign, send and pay the start-up notification in the online filing service.

The notification is paid in the service after it has been signed. Anyone can pay the handling fee. Pay the fee by using your internet banking codes or by credit card.

The PRH will not process your notification until you have paid the handling fee.

Go to the online filing service of the Register of Associations in Finnish and in Swedish. Start by identifying yourself via the service.Open link in a new tab

If you file your start-up notification using a paper form, the processing time will be longer than when filing online. Go to our instructions on paper forms.

How to follow the processing of your notification

You can follow the processing in our online service on the association's page. Go to the online service in Finnish or in Swedish. Start by identifying yourself via the service.Open link in a new tab

Printable version Latest update 01.01.2024