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Forms for the Register of Associations and the Register of Religious Communities

You can file start-up notifications and notifications of changes for associations in the online service of the Register of Associations. Please note that both the online service and the forms are only available in Finnish and Swedish. It is faster to file notifications online than on paper. An association that has filed notifications online can also correct and supplement them online. Go to the online service of the Register of Associations (availble in Finnish and Swedish).


You will find links to the forms in our filing instructions for associations. 

Notifications: start-up, changes and dissolution 

File the notifications on paper Y forms and their appendix forms. 

Proceed as follows:

  1. Save the forms on your computer to fill them in.
  2. Fill in the form in one copy. You may also need other forms, such as a personal data form. Enclose these with the notification.
  3. Pay for the notification in advance and enclose the receipt with your notification. See the price list and payment instructions for the Register of Associations.
  4. Sign the form.
  5. Send the Y form with its enclosures to the PRH. You will find the delivery methods and addresses on the form. Please note: Do not send the notification by email or fax, as the notification will not become pending if sent by email or fax.
  6. You can also file the notification in person at the PRH customer service point

You will find the paper forms for start-up notifications, notifications of changes and notifications of dissolution for associations on the website maintained by the PRH and the Tax Administration.

Go to the forms on the website:  

Filing financial statements 

Go to the instruction page, which also includes the financial statement form.

Correct and supplement your notification 

Go to the instruction page, which also includes the forms (in Finnish and Swedish).

The Finland Chamber of Commerce and other chambers of commerce 

Go to the instruction page, which also includes the forms (in Finnish and Swedish).

Religious communities 

Go to the instruction page, which also includes the forms.

Request measures or report errors 

If the association’s details have not been registered in the way you filed them, report the error or request measures using the online form. Read more and report an error (in Finnish and Swedish).Open link in a new tab
Printable version Latest update 29.08.2024