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Pledge your trademark

Your trademark is your movable property and you can pledge it as security for a debt. You should apply for the PRH to register the pledging; the right of pledge will not bind third parties or creditors in good faith until we have recorded it in the Finnish Trademark Register.

If there is a right of pledge registered for the trademark, you may not reduce the list of goods and services nor remove the mark from the register without the written consent of the pledgee.

The trademark is only distrainable if a right of pledge has been established on it. The application to record a pledging can be filed either by the trademark owner or by the pledgee. The pledging can be recorded already at the application stage or any time during the term of registration.

The application to register a pledging has to include the following details and documents:

  • registration number of the trademark
  • name, address, domicile or registered office, and Business ID of the pledgee. If the pledgee is a private person, give their personal identity code. If the pledgee has no Finnish personal identity code, give their date of birth.
  • name, address, domicile or registered office, and Business ID of the representative, if any. If the representative is a private person, give their personal identity code. If the representative has no Finnish personal identity code, give their date of birth.
  • copy of the pledge agreement showing the date of the agreement.

Use our online service for registered trademarks (available in Finnish and in Swedish) to notify us of the pledging. The service requires user identification through the portal. Go to the service to notify of the pledging.Open link in a new tab

We charge a fee for recording a pledging. See the fee in our price list and payment instructions.

Printable version Latest update 07.07.2021