Notification search
Our notification search function enables you to search for notifications filed with the Trade Register, the Register of Associations and the Register of Enterprise Mortgages. This is a good way of tracking the processing of your Trade Register notification.
You can search for a notification by entering the Business ID or the notification’s record number. The details you can view free of charge include the following:
- Type of notification (e.g., notification of changes)
- Status (e.g., pending, finalised)
- Date and time of arrival
- Processing stage (e.g., being saved, being processed, correction request has been sent, registered)
- Title of the register entry based on the Trade Register notification.
- The information contents vary greatly depending on the type of notification.
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Trade Register notification documents
You can use the notification search function to buy public documents related to Trade Register notifications of companies and housing companies submitted to the register since April 2019.
You can buy electronic documents grouped by notification (record number). After the purchase, all the documents related to the selected notification will be available for you to open and download on your device in PDF format.
Please note that you can buy financial statement documents registered for a company in the Financial Statements search function. If the notification you search for concerns financial statements, you can find a link to the Financial Statements search on the screen Notification Details.
In the notification documents, the type “Rules” means organisation rules (for example, articles of association or a partnership agreement). Please note that their contents can differ from the organisation rules registered by the PRH. You can buy registered organisation rules in Virre under the section “Extracts, certificates and organisation rules”.
Documents from old notifications
If you need documents of notifications filed to the Trade Register before April 2019- you can order copies using our order form
- or contact our customer service. See the contact details of our customer service.