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Accessibility statement: Trademark application

The Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) works constantly to improve the accessibility of the service. We will update the statement as accessibility problems are corrected.

The PRH is committed to making the Trademark application service accessible in accordance with the Finnish Act on the Provision of Digital Services (laki digitaalisten palvelujen tarjoamisesta 306/2019Open link in a new tab, lag om tillhandahållande av digitala tjänsterOpen link in a new tab).

How the accessibility statement was compiled

This statement was compiled on 10 September 2020. The statement is based on an assessment carried out by a third party.

How accessible this service is

This online service is only partially compliant with the Finnish Act on the Provision of Digital Services 306/2019, due to the non-compliance listed below.

Inaccessible content

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reason: The service will be replaced with a new version that meets the accessibility requirements.

The following content or functions are not yet compliant with the requirements (according to the WCAG criteria), but the problems will be corrected:

  1. (WCAG 1.4.3, 1.4.11) Insufficient contrasts between the text, background and graphical elements.
  2. (WCAG 1.4.4, 1.4.5) Some of the elements do not scale properly on the page if only the text size is increased to 200%.
  3. (WCAG 1.4.12) The user cannot modify the text spacing on the page.
  4. (WCAG 1.4.10) The page does not scale responsively.
  5. (WCAG 3.1.2) The text passages not written in the selected language are not marked with the lang attribute.
  6. (WCAG 1.3.1, 2.4.1) Only the banners, side navigation and footer have been marked using semantic markup. The main content has not been marked at all.
  7. (WCAG 2.4.2) The pages do not have titles.
  8. (WCAG 1.3.1) HTML heading levels are not used logically and appropriately.
  9. (WCAG 4.1.2) The step indicator has not been marked as step indicator.
  10. (WCAG 2.4.4) Some of the text alternatives in links do not tell the user where the link leads or what the purpose of the link is.
  11. (WCAG 1.1.1) Missing text alternatives.
  12. (WCAG 1.1.1, 1.3.1) Use of icons: The icons do not have text alternatives and they are not read for the screen reader.
  13. (WCAG 1.3.1) Active elements on the page are highlighted visually, but they are not programmatically determined as being active.
  14. (WCAG 2.2.1) The user is not informed of login time-out.
  15. (WCAG 4.1.1) Quality of the HTML code.
  16. (WCAG 2.4.1) There is no “Skip to content" link available on the site.
  17. (WCAG 2.1.1) Some elements cannot be reached using just a keyboard.
  18. (WCAG 2.4.7) The “Add files" button does not receive any visible focus.
  19. (WCAG 2.4.3) There are modal dialogues in the service. Focus does not automatically move to them, as it should. It is not possible to close the dialogue using a keyboard.
  20. (WCAG 1.4.13) The instruction texts that appear on keyboard or pointer focus hide other content and cannot be closed using the Esc key.
  21. (WCAG 1.3.2) Some of the elements cannot be accessed using a screen reader.
  22. (WCAG 3.2.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3) The accordions have not been programmatically determined, so it is difficult to understand what elements they are and whether they are presented as open or closed.
  23. (WCAG 1.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.1.2) Most of the input fields do not have correctly connected labels.
  24. (WCAG 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 3.3.2, 4.1.2) Elements and their groups have not been marked as being groups. In addition, no label is given for the group programmatically.
  25. (WCAG 3.3.2) Not all required fields are marked.
  26. (WCAG 3.3.1, 4.1.3) The error messages have not been programmed so that their content is read automatically. Incomplete or erroneous fields should be clarified for the user. The instructions are challenging for screen reader users.
  27. (WCAG 1.3.1) The error messages cover the labels in part.
  28. (WCAG 1.3.5) The purpose of the form fields where personal information is collected has not been determined.
  29. General usability and accessibility: Not all of the links are visually similar.
  30. General usability and accessibility: The usability of the classification term search could be improved.

How to give feedback on accessibility problems

If you notice any problems in accessibility at, first give feedback to us at the PRH. It may take up to 14 days to get an answer. The PRH feedback group processes your feedback. Give feedback about accessibility problems.Open link in a new tab

If you are not satisfied with our answer or if you do not receive an answer from us within 14 days, you can file a complaint with the accessibility supervisory authority, the Regional State Administrative Agency (AVI) of Southern Finland. See the webpage of AVI Southern Finland for more detailed instructions in Finnish and in Swedish on how to file a complaint and how your matter is processed.Open link in a new tab

Contact information for the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland

Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland
Accessibility Supervisory Unit
www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fiOpen link in a new tab (in Finnish and in Swedish)
Telephone exchange +358 295 016 000

Printable version Latest update 18.09.2020