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PRH enhancing Nordic patent cooperation

On 22 March 2023, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) and the Nordic Patent Institute (NPI), a joint organisation between the Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic patent authorities, to enhance cooperation in patenting services.

A common goal is to create a more fruitful environment in the Nordic countries for companies, research institutes and inventors creating new technology.

The Memorandum of Understanding includes three main goals:

  • The PRH, PRV and NPI are all examining authorities in the international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) system administered by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), so these organisations will collaborate more closely within WIPO.
  • The Nordic collaboration will correspondingly be enhanced in the European Patent Organisation (EPOrg), which is responsible for the current European patent system and the upcoming unitary patent system.
  • In addition, the offices will collaborate on matters related to processing and examining patent applications, for instance, by creating systematic ways of sharing best practices.

Photo: Nordic Patent Institute

The Directors General of the Nordic Patent Offices from the left:

Kathrine Myhre (NIPO, Norway)
Peter Strömbäck (PRV, Sweden)
Borghildur Erlingsdottir (ISIPO, Iceland)
Antti Riivari (PRH, Finland)
Sune Stampe Sorensen (DKPTO, Denmark)

For more information, please contact
Jorma Lehtonen
Customer Relations Manager
Tel. +358 29 509 5904

Printable version Latest update 29.03.2023