Limited liability companies and co-operatives: File your beneficial owner details to avoid deregistration
This week, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) sent a reminder letter to thousands of limited liability companies and co-operatives that have not filed their beneficial owner details with the Finnish Trade Register. The PRH may deregister these companies if they – despite reminders – do not file their beneficial owner details by the deadline, and there is no basis for ordering the business into liquidation.
All limited liability companies and co-operatives must file their beneficial owner details with the Finnish Trade Register. This does not apply to listed companies or mutual real estate limited companies.
Who is an actual beneficial owner?
An actual beneficial owner is a person with an ownership interest or control in a company. The person owns more than 25% of the company shares, or holds more than 25% of the voting rights in the company, directly or indirectly through another company. Read more about beneficial owners.
The company must file a notification of beneficial owners even if the company has no actual beneficial owners or the company does not know them.
How to proceed if you get a reminder letter
To avoid deregistration, file your notification of beneficial owners by the deadline given in the letter. We do not extend the deadline for filing the notification.
The notification is free of charge.
File your notification online using our service at in Finnish and Swedish. Please note that you can file the notification on paper in exceptional cases only.
- Read the filing instructions.
- Go to our online filing service at ytj.fiOpen link in a new tabin Finnish and Swedish.
Our deregistration and liquidation process follows the procedure set out in the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, Co-operatives Act and Trade Register Act.
Read more about the deregistration procedure.
EU financing has been used to implement the deregistration of companies that have neglected to submit their notification of beneficial owners.
For further information, please contact
Trade Register’s Advisory Service
Email: neuvonta.kaupparekisteri(a)
Tel. +358 29 509 5030, Mon–Fri 9.00–15.00