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Changes to filing financial statements: Fee of 100 euros if you file financial statements on paper

As of the beginning of 2024, the fee for filing financial statements on paper directly with the Finnish Trade Register is 100 euros. The PRH invoices the fee after filing. The fee is based on the decree on the PRH’s chargeable services (1247/2023).

It is free of charge to file financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register in any other way, provided they are filed by the deadline.

The deadline for filing depends on the company type. Limited liability companies and co-operatives must file their approved or adopted financial statements with the register within eight months of the end of the financial period.

Most companies must file their financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register. For example, limited liability companies and co-operatives must file their financial statements with the register for each financial period, even if they have interrupted or stopped their business activities.

Read our instructions: Limited liability companies and co-operatives: how to file financial statements with the Finnish Trade Register.

For further information, please contact:

PRH customer service
Email: neuvonta.kaupparekisteri(a)
Tel. +358 29 509 5030, Mon–Fri 9.00–15.00

Printable version Latest update 15.01.2024